Municipal Trees

For its relevance in spatial planning and the monitoring of green city spaces, the municipality of Utrecht has created a comprehensive municipal trees database. Using this detailed vector data, I have produced an interactive web app showing the distribution of my favourite tree in Utrecht: the weeping willow.

Zoom in further to explore the location of all 18 municipal weeping willows of Utrecht. The total number of weeping willows per neighbourhood is depicted by a gradual colour scheme.

Production of the Map

This map was produced in ArcGIS by downloading the municipal trees of Utrecht, and extracting only the desired tree type from the data. Using a tool to count points within a set geographic area, the trees per neighbourhood were then determined.

Zoom in to the map below to view the full tree data of Utrecht and their kernel density. In the bottom right corner different layers can be selected to switch between map displays. Exploring the total trees per neighbourhood layer, it can be seen that city center has the lowest tree density whereas the less densely urbanized Vleuten has the highest.